s a i
p a c k a g i n g


Packaging Expertise

Basis Weight of Box

Basis Weight testing measures the weight of corrugated board (in grammage) to determine the weight per unit area. Fiberboard is commonly referred to by its ‘mass per unit area.’

Coefficient of Friction

Friction testing, also called a coefficient-of-friction (COF) testing, takes any sheet-like substrate (paper, corrugated, plastic film, paperboard, etc…) and determines the angle of inclination at which one sheet will begin.

Water Absorption

This process, also called the Cobb Test, measures the quantity of water that is absorbed in a given time. It is a practical means of determining the liquid absorptiveness.

Edge Resistance of Testing

Edge Crush Resistance testing measures the ability of corrugated boards to resist crushing when loaded perpendicularly to the flute structure. Test methods include rigid support method.

Bursting strength

Bursting Strength testing basically measures the force required to puncture through a corrugated board. This strength comes from various factors, including thickness of the paper liner layers.

Box compression

When loaded perpendicularly to the surface this evaluates flute rigidity. This way, when your packaging experiences flat crush forces, your packaging has the greatest strength possible to resist damage.

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